frenchie avatar

The Monster Behind The Door #3


He did not ask much, just a tidy home, a pretty and relaxed wife, like everyone else. Was this so hard?
We still went out from time to time with his friends.
One of them said ''long time no see, lovely'' and asked for a dance.
On the way home, he accused me of being a cheap flirt, a tart.
He expected his wife to behave with more dignity.
I tried to defend myself, saying he was crazy, I wouldn't look at anyone else.
This was when he slapped me. I was stunned. I've never been slapped in my life.

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  • avatar

    Neville Hunt over 2 years ago

    This story seems like it must be repeated in rather too many households, behind closed doors (as they say). I hope it’s not got a personal underpinning.

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