frenchie avatar


I wanted to say my gratitude to all of you who have encouraged me, were patient thought my angst and insecurities. I have finally come to terms that I am a writer and a poet, and a good one at that. Though I had some little hiccups in my personal life and people controlling me (to put it mildly), and trying to stifle my writing urges, I came through. I couldn't have done it without you all nice writers here... so, simply THANKS and I wish everyone of you the success you deserve.
A neat Thanks in one hundred words

3 comments add one below

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    Jonathan Mills almost 10 years ago

    Such a beautiful sentiment, and no-one expresses those better than you do. Thank you.

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    A lovely, heart warming piece of writing. Good work, Frenchie. :-)

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    Julie almost 10 years ago

    A lovely, heartfelt drabble, Francine.

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