frenchie avatar


Dead inside, she looked out of the window as a red morning was slowly birthing, red as the blood flowing onto the floorboards. She received too many beatings, too much abuse. How long can one last when trampled upon, day after day?
She surveyed his still body. He never saw it coming, arrogant in his male pride. Never thought she would rebel. As the knife plunged into him repeatedly, understanding and fear dawning on his face, she felt no emotion.
She kicked him one last time, preparing to go the Police Station. Free at last. Crime passionnel, her sole defence.

5 comments add one below

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    Tony Spencer almost 10 years ago

    Nice descriptions

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    Brandon Sutton almost 10 years ago

    Very well written story.

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    Bryan Thomas almost 10 years ago

    Ditto. Very good, Francine.

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    Frenchie almost 10 years ago

    Thank you very much. I am glad you all liked it. thanks :)

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Score a vote from me! I got a lot out of this one.

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