frenchie avatar


They say I am the last of my kind. My race is extinct. I belong to legends of old. I don't exist.
Not so true. We lurk in the shadows, we're always present in the mind of those with a vivid imagination.
People say I can't be seen but they also say that I am the most beautiful of creatures, which I agree fully.
I am alive and kicking. People wake up to the 21st century. No wonder you think unicorns don't exist if only virgins can see us, but Molly and Schmendrick knew... because they were pure at heart.

3 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Frenchie over 10 years ago

    This is my tribute to my second favourite film, The Last Unicorn :-)

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    Kate Gowers over 10 years ago

    The book is much better (though the film is good)

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    K.Z. Morano over 10 years ago

    loved that book :)

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