frenchie avatar


The woman had been missing for hours. The girl searched frantically everywhere. She was frightened. She didn't want to stay alone with the man.
Eventually, she found her at the train station. When she saw her, the woman cried she would jump under the first train. The girl sobbed, begging her to come home, she'd do what she wanted.
Passers by took in the scene, shaking their head. They were used to it. Some secretly thought it would be better if the woman actually jumped, but no one as usual said anything.
Thus, emotional abuse was allowed to carry on...

2 comments add one below

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    Frenchie over 10 years ago

    @Mike, this is April and this one is for the NCAPM - Thank you.

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    Elizabeth O. Smith over 10 years ago

    I really liked this along with the twist at the end!

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