frenchie avatar


Their putrid odour filled the air. They felt she was there, taking cover behind the wall. They advanced, their mechanic gait slow and assured. They knew she couldn't escape.
She risked a little peep to where her husband was crouching. They got separated earlier. He was safe, away from the threat.
She smiled fondly. Her dear beloved husband, always kind, reliable, always saying he would die for her.
Well, now was the time to prove it. She picked a pebble and threw it in his direction.
The zombies made a swift U-turn while she made her dash to safety.

5 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Frenchie over 10 years ago

    This is my first ever zombies story. Shame I have only one husband to save me. Next time I'll have to rely on my wits...

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    Michael Cook over 10 years ago


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    Peter Muscutt over 10 years ago

    What a bitch!!! (The woman in the story, not you!!!) Although to be fair, if he said he'd die for her...fair play. As a lover of zombie tales, this was fab. Nice evil twist in the tale. Great work!

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    Frenchie over 10 years ago

    Thank you both. It was fun to write.

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    Bryan Thomas over 10 years ago

    Excellent, Francine!

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