frenchie avatar


I burst into Kathy's dining room, trying not to show what I think of human taste in decoration. I stop dead in my tracks.
Who are all these people?
The weird residents of Ebrington Road, the psycho that watches his female neighbours, a writer on a toilet seat, a fly, a few zombies, a space ship, another psycho in a mask, a little alien, even a unicorn?
Kathy beams.
-We all live in Drblr land. The word spread you needed help. See?
I sit down and look at them all.
I cannot help thinking, Welcome to the Fellowship of Losers!

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Bryan Thomas over 10 years ago

    Haha! A nice segue into Ebrington Road and drablr land - clever stuff!

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    Frenchie over 10 years ago

    Even the writer with writer's block, on the toilet seat, I couldn't let this one escape from the fellowship. Thanks.

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