frenchie avatar


Nearing to midnight, the party was dwindling. The guests were leaving. None noticed the little figure crouched outside, shivering with cold.
But the woman knew she was there. Drunk, slurring her words, she thrust a jug into the child's hands.
-'go to the well'.
Knowing the child was terrified of the night and would beg not to go, gave her sense of power. She felt good.
But the child ran past the vegetable patch, into the fields, fear at heels. Heart pounding, listening to the whispers of the shadows, she found them less evil than what was waiting for her.

4 comments add one below

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    Frenchie over 10 years ago

    @mike. This one is for the NCAPM - Thank you.

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    Rick Haynes over 10 years ago

    A chill with menace Francine and so true.
    Thanks for the kind words on your FB page. Hope the Drabble helps in some way.
    Best wishes Rick.

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    Bryan Thomas over 10 years ago

    I agree with Rick, another great drabble for NCAPM.

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    Frenchie over 10 years ago

    Thank you for the kind comments. I am sure drabbles or any writing will help raise awareness. Sorry to be so gloomy on a Monday morning, but there is still much evil in the world and we can only to do what we can.

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