frenchie avatar


Amélie stretches luxuriously in the warm Roman bath. Closing her eyes, frowning slightly, her mind wanders back to her husband. Why does he prefer whores to her? Once again, she curses her father's choice
The water ripples and she feels a mouth on hers, long legs entrapping her. Lazily opening her eyes, she sees her friend Marie tracing arabesques on her wet skin. Nipples hardened and raspy breath, she returns the embrace passionately. Life is not that bad, after all.
From the third floor, a tormented Viscount watches the scene below, gripping the balcony railing until his knuckles turn white.

5 comments add one below

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    Frenchie over 10 years ago

    This my 100th drabble and Amélie is my favourtie character.

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    Bryan Thomas over 10 years ago

    Congratulations on your 100th drabble, Francine. That's an impressive achievement, well done!

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    Frenchie over 10 years ago

    Thank you @scribbler. Some were nice and some not so good LOL. But I like all yours.

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    Michael Cook over 10 years ago

    And a big congratulations from me too Francine!

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    imageronin over 10 years ago

    congratulations on the 100th something to aspire too ....

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