frenchie avatar


Little Red Riding Hood was skipping along the path to her Grandma's house when she encountered Big Bad Wolfie.
'I was hoping to meet you, I have a business proposition'' said she, whispering in his attentive ears.
Wolfie ran all the way to Grandma's house. When Little Red arrived, she asked:
'Have you done it, did you eat the old lady?'
'Of course', answered Wolfie.
On this, Little Red went to the safe, hacked the combination, took out a wad of notes, paid Wolfie, then with the envelope containing Grandma's will she skipped along the path to the solicitor's office.

2 comments add one below

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    Ricky Moore over 10 years ago

    I have to admit, i prefer your version :).

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    Frenchie over 10 years ago

    Thank you. Might not be politically correct but fun to write :)

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