fred2bear avatar


My accountant’s letter arrived on a Thursday: ‘HMRC have agreed that you are owed a tax rebate of £10000.’

We went to London next day and that weekend, our credit card was red-hot: a Savile Row suit for me, diamond and sapphire earrings for my wife. We dined at the Savoy Grill and slept in one of their best bedrooms. We booked the following week in a luxury hotel in Greece.

On our return, the accountant’s second letter was on the mat: ‘So sorry about my secretary’s mistake in my last letter. Your tax rebate will be for £100.00.’

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    Shame!☹️ (But nobody can take back that experience!)

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    (... and nobody will take back that suit... but you could try to sell the earrings... if you’re feeling that brave!)

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