fred2bear avatar


Round the corner came a large Alsatian. It bounded up to four-year-old Sophie and knocked her flat. As I picked up my terrified daughter, I noticed the address on the dog’s identity disc. The dog’s owner appeared. ‘Don’t worry,’ he said. ‘He only wants to play.’

After that, Sophie screamed at any large dog and nights were broken by her bad dreams. Eventually I acquired a large, black, hairy tarantula spider and put it, with a note, in a box which I left on the dog-owner’s doorstep.

My note read: ‘Don’t worry. He only wants to play.’

5 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    Hehe! Justice delivered! Poor Sophie! To verge on the semi-serious, I can sympathise... at the age of 6 or 7, I too was knocked flat by two Alsatians, probably playing, but at that age it didn’t seem like it. For that reason I have been very wary of any contact with dogs, despite having advertised various well-known dog food brands for over 8 years. Keep them coming Frederick (not the dogs of course!)

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    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    PS, I was hoping that this drabble was going to be categorised as ‘True story told as fiction’!

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    VerityAlways almost 3 years ago

    Sweet Revenge!

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    Jamie Clapperton almost 3 years ago

    Well told tale of two disturbing creatures , affecting the life of a child.

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    Jamie Clapperton almost 3 years ago

    Sorry haven't said hello. Very glad you're on drablr Frederick. ;-)

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