fred2bear avatar


Every evening, Alec settled down to watch TV till bedtime. It was twelve months since Doreen’s body had been found in the canal: apparently she had fallen, hit her head and rolled, unconscious, into the water.

He had left on the Sky box all the programmes she had recorded but not watched. He had bought the same TV dinners she had enjoyed. He had re-read all their love-letters to each other.

And he had carefully removed any evidence that he had killed her with a blow to the head during an argument about which channel they should watch.

2 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    Haha! That’s brilliant! In our house there are no arguments... there’s only one Radio Times, and I’m rarely allowed access to it.

    One discerns a certain darkness to your drabbles, Frederick! Drabble on!

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    VerityAlways almost 3 years ago

    The drabbles are a perfect dose! Cheers!!

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