fred2bear avatar


Alan Sturges had taught for twenty years. He loved his job and was good at it. When 14-year-old Cathy said he had molested her, he was cleared of any misconduct. But the school-gate gossip (‘No smoke without fire’) was too much: he moved away and changed jobs.
Cathy went on to university and at a party met a fellow-student she fancied. He told her his name was Peter Sturges, ‘That’s funny,’ she said. ‘I had a teacher called Mr Sturges.’
It was in a wood next to the playing fields that the police found Cathy’s body.

3 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    What goes round comes round. Love this Frederick, it’s such a great tale of retribution told with such economy. What is particularly good is that it’s a pint that thinks it’s a quart, or a gallon, because it prompts this reader to imagine a backstory and the unsaid elements of the story itself and to a lesser extent the forward story. Great stuff! More like this please... you seem to have a great feel for the drabbling discipline.

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    VerityAlways almost 3 years ago

    Loved the detailed reveal !
    Would love to read more!!

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    Christopher almost 3 years ago

    Reads like a great episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents. Well done, Frederick.

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