fred2bear avatar


When Sue first moved in with Mike, they made love straight after work every day. At those times, their personalities as well as their bodies seemed to fuse into one.
They married, children arrived, promotions at work added pressure. Rarely did Mike turn to Sue and slide his hand under her nightie. ‘Not tonight, love, I’ve got a headache’ was her usual response. One night, Mike joked, ‘You should see a doctor about those headaches.’ Sue didn’t tell him that she already had.
A year later, Mike wept at Sue’s graveside and cursed the brain tumour that had killed her.

3 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    Oh savage, but fabulous, Frederick! You had me chuckling at the start and then you threw me down hard with your final sentence. This story, so economic, is great drabbling. Thanks for that and welcome to Drablr, Frederick. More please....!

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    VerityAlways almost 3 years ago

    I wasn't expecting the last line. Well written!
    and a warm Welcome to Drablr!!

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    Christopher almost 3 years ago

    That took a turn for the worse. Telling that much of a story in a hundred words is tricky, but you seem to have mastered it. Welcome to Drablr, Frederick.

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