dickjarmany avatar

Interesting jobs #4


Our factory was not small, about 1 mile wide and half a mile deep. As you walked through it there were numerous parts of power stations being built. You might look at Drax. All of it, yes, all of it was built by our company … more another time about Drax.

The building where Laurie worked was right at the back, and our labs were at the front. So through I walked, intent on consulting Laurie to find out a bit more about this paint.

Past turbines, enormous things, generators, past the paint shop where I had solved the ‘problem’.

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    Neville Hunt 11 months ago

    I know Drax. A few years ago we went up to Goole to see if we could find the stately home owned by my wife’s ancestors nearby. We found it, looking south. Very impressive... I wonder where all the money went! 🥴. It’s now a corporate HQ. Looking north, it was also impressive, but not in a good way.... more satanic... Drax! Thinking it might be a hideout for a Bond villain, we hightailed it pretty sharpish to pretty Beverley Minster!

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    Richard Hunt 11 months ago

    We (the company) had a problem with Drax. I helped to solve it, but that was ‘all in a day’s work’. It was initially built with eight cooling towers in two rows of four, one row precisely in front of the other. When the wind blew from the WSW, it formed wind vortices from the ‘front’ row … which managed to knock one in the ‘back’ row flat to the ground. They’re not like that any more, but they were when the initial episodes of ‘Hadleigh’ were filmed. (We have the full series)

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