centipede1 avatar


Flames crackled to life below her fearful gaze, increasing the intensity of her focus. Determined eyes squinted with every flickering change and she winced at the rising heat. Her mother’s words echoed through her thoughts; she knew what to do and was determined to prevail.

With one fateful blink, came lost concentration and a sudden flash of rising flame, followed by the sickly smell of seared flesh and the sound of bubbling fat. She screamed, dropping the pan.

‘Mum! I think I burned the witch!’

‘Never mind dear; well done for trying. I think there’s another plaice in the fridge.’

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Jamie Clapperton over 7 years ago

    Hope , horror , inner chuckle. Thanks for the ride centipede1! :-)

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    Max over 7 years ago

    Teehee!! :-)

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