carolinasushi avatar


''So... hows the love life mate?'' grinned Matty, as Ally walked into the pub.

''Its over''

''Already? It's only been three weeks, thought you liked her?''

''It wasn't her, it was her fucking dog!''

Matty laughs. ''How?''

''Kept shagging me!''

Matty composes himself. ''What happened?''

''It kept shagging my leg!, Whenever we would get close, there it was... attached.''

''How come it's over though?''

''Well i was trying to get to sleep, and it was relentless, so i picked it up and placed it out the room''


''I was half asleep.... i didn't realize it was her fucking window!''

2 comments add one below

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    Peter Muscutt about 10 years ago

    I'd like to say we've all been there, but...well, I haven't! Great story!

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    Ricky Moore about 10 years ago

    Haha! Thanks for reading Peter!

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