carolinasushi avatar


Finally having the ''man to man'' with my future father-in-law, i couldn't help but feel this was going to be yet another regret. I'd agreed to a drive, which just so happened to take us to The Swillby Woods.

He always makes me nervous whenever i visit Kate, always glaring, smirking, punching me in the arm ''like men do''.
How could i refuse a guy who looks like he shits out Arnold Schwarzenegger's though?

Sitting in silence, Fitzgerald suddenly turns to face me.

''Look at me'' he grunts.

Trembling, i turn.

Suddenly, he leans in for a kiss...

6 comments add one below

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    Geraldine Messin about 10 years ago

    trouble around the corner. run! he's too big. L@L@L@L

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    Ricky Moore about 10 years ago

    haha, thanks for reading!

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    Bryan Thomas about 10 years ago

    Nice twist!

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    Ricky Moore about 10 years ago

    Thanks scribbler!

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    Frenchie about 10 years ago

    Ha ha, a nice twist, I agree.

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    Ricky Moore about 10 years ago

    Thanks francine! :)

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