carolinasushi avatar


I was tucking in my daughter when i noticed scratch marks down her back.

''What happened pookie?''

''Daddy's friend gave me a cuddle, shes here when you leave''

''Get some sleep love'' I said soothingly, repressing simmering rage.

I confront Frank downstairs.

''Who is she!?'' I scream.

''No one! It was YOUR fault this happened'' Frank says, storming upstairs.

I sat there in shock, wandering if maybe it was, maybe i haven't been a good wife.

Ten minutes later he comes down, dressed head to toe in my clothes.

''You see, it was your fault, it was your acrylic nails!''

6 comments add one below

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    Frenchie over 10 years ago

    thanks for the laugh. I have just realised, you make me cry and you make me laugh, now who is the twisted one LOLOLOL ?

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    Ricky Moore over 10 years ago

    Francine before reading your drabbles i used to pick flowers in the summer and listen to Justin Bieber, now look at me!! LOL

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    Peter Muscutt over 10 years ago

    Nice twist, I loved this drabble - great work!

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    Frenchie over 10 years ago

    @ Oh yeah? Mister, before I read yours, I used to write about fluffy bunnies and unicorns. Still write about the unicorns, but now.... I boil the fluffy bunnies !! LOL .. Pass that bottle again LOL...

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    Stuart Lugg over 10 years ago

    like it - a lot goes on in your 100 words!

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    Ricky Moore over 10 years ago


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