carolinasushi avatar


I lay there, stiff as a block of wood, as i hear the key turn in the front door. It was my dad, back from his usual evening trip to the bar. I lay there, praying, he will just go to his bed.

I hear the usual stumbling up the stairs, and he fumbles into my bedroom door, grabbing the handle for support. I hear him waddle into my room which is followed by the inevitable zip sliding down. He takes position, and begins, pissing in my drawer. I really regret getting his en-suite bathroom converted into a bedroom.

8 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Frenchie over 10 years ago

    Oh, I could have really hit you for making thing of a horrible thing. Nice twist, phew.. at the end, thanks for a great laugh. I should have known lol...

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    Frenchie over 10 years ago

    damn typos : for making me think

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    Ricky Moore over 10 years ago

    Even i have a limit :P haha thank you for reading :D

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    Peter Muscutt over 10 years ago

    Yeah...was thinking 'hang on...' while reading this, but nice injection of humour at the end!

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    Ricky Moore over 10 years ago


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    Pearl (Bea) over 10 years ago

    Okay, okay, I was horrified 'til the end...still chuckling!

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    Ricky Moore over 10 years ago

    This story seems to have the same effect on everyone haha, thanks!

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    Stuart Lugg over 10 years ago

    Yep, me too! I was all geared up for a nasty moment, with all my empathy levels raised high, then....

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