bomyers avatar


That old Jackson 5 record never failed to make me smile despite being broken. Michael always sang “ABC” off key, but I loved him anyway. He could always make me smile, even when a dirty needle screwed things up. I sold that record the day of the funeral; I couldn’t stand hearing it anymore. Two days later I brought it back home, something I wish I could’ve done with you. Instead, I’m at a dirt mound in your family’s plot, sitting amongst wreaths singing “I Want You Back” to a stone etched “MICHAEL,” hoping my voice carries all six feet.

2 comments add one below

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    julie almost 5 years ago

    This was awesome! There was such a drastic change from the beginning to the end, I love how you managed to use the record needle as a metaphor and I especially liked your final line!

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    Mikaela Fitz almost 5 years ago

    I love this story and the incredible impact you packed into just 100 words! The imagery is incredible because I feel as though I can hear the songs, and the ending really packs a punch as the use of needles comes full circle.

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