beerjew avatar


"Fragile creatures... born in pain, live in pain and die for nothing... No! you belong with us"

"I tried spending time with them. They stop looking at me, whispering to one another."

"Dude! You are officially the most pathetic person in the world. Fuck 'em... You got us!"

A guy in a lab coat enters.

"I thought you were getting better. Its been 5 years."

"Getting better... hmm... As intelligent machines we predict the future based on past experiences. I dont share your illusions, particularly hope. They are all I have."

"What would you do to save your only friends?"

2 comments add one below

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    What an intriguing drabble! I loved the snappy dialogue and especially the line, "I dont share your illusions, particularly hope." Good stuff, Suriya. :-)

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    Suriya almost 10 years ago

    thank you Horrorshow... the drabble has a major problem... the protagonist is clearly conflicted about his beliefs, but he replies to the Dr with such confidence and certainty.. I dint think this through...

    thanks anyway Horrorshow... I'll try to come up with a better version of this..

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