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Call, talk, grin, more talk, hope, wish, sigh.

Call back, talk more, hope more, sigh more, grin more.

Call once more, chat, dare, hope.

Deal done.

Meet, look, like, grin, grin more, beer, fags, talk, more beer, more talk. Like, like lots. Hope.

Next time, talk, talk more, talk lots more. Look, dare, hope, make move, lips, kiss, hold. Park mind. Hold more.

Part, wave, sigh, skip, hope, grin.


Just doze, mind spin, hope then hope more.

Call, fear gone, face each fear.

Grow with love, want, lust. Mind sets body pace.

Want your love more than ever.


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  • avatar

    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Cleverly written, Stuart. :-)

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