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Well, reflected Colin, that was that.

10 years hard work and he'd achieved his target. No holidays, only Sundays off, three replacement cars (nothing flash, obviously) and two replacement uniforms - a small price to pay for the piles of cash he'd accumulated.

There had been dodgy moments - planning applications for the site had caused a few sleepless nights, but the support from his regulars soon saw those off.

Monday saw dozens of calls to the council - many checking on Colin' s health. Strangely, the council knew nothing about "their" car park or its charming attendant.

On the beach, Colin smiled.

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    Kate Gowers about 10 years ago

    There's a wonderful (and apparently) true stories about two dudes who scammed drivers paying fines at the American DMV. They were charming & no-one knew anything until fines were unpaid...

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