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He couldn't believe his luck. Of all the gin joints in all the towns... she'd walked into this dingy shit hole.

Miles from civilisation, the ramshackle bar slouched in the dusty landscape. A few tatty chickens looked up in amazement as she passed; a mangy dog paused in its genital ablutions, also surprised by her arrival.

She crossed the threshold of the bar, her spectacular lashes blinking as her wide dark eyes adjusted tp the gloomy interior.

What's a bird like her doing here, Ian thought,taking in the long slender legs and flamboyant getup.

Do female ostriches normally venture indoors?

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Kate Gowers over 10 years ago

    But did she have her head in the sand?

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    Frenchie over 10 years ago

    hmm... Is Ian OK, though? He seems quite taken by the bird ...miles away from civilisation, social isolation can make people do, err..the strangest things... Thanks for the smile, this is a good one.

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