ashestodust avatar

Sings Her Soul #1


"You bring darkness to my life." His eyes implored her existence to screech out in misery. She kept staring. 'Why is he afraid of darkness?' "Your paranoia will kill me one day and you'll just walk on by... because that's what you are." Her demon smirked back on him, relishing the fiesta it had been waiting for all this time. Her soul cringed and heart collapsed, cringed again and collapsed again. "I can't live with your hell!" He held her shoulders and nailed the words into her soul. 'I will...' said a voice inside her. Finally time had to freeze.

2 comments add one below

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    Suri over 8 years ago

    Thanks ^_^

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    frostygossamer over 8 years ago

    Emotive power in this one. (I would have split it up a bit - but that's just me)

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