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Roman returns and Anya-Marie couldn't be happier. However the happiness is cut short when a bank robbery is reported in downtown Neon City.
"Bet you five yaoi books that Det. Ross is there." Roman says to Anya through
the mirror. Anya looks at her TV.
"Well, time to go Roman!" Anya glows and turns into her darker self.
Out the window she swings and through the city she dashes like a knife through butter.
She sneaks into the bank through the top and silently takes out all the crooks.
One. By. One.
After that she frees the hostages, victory!

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    A. Jones about 10 years ago

    -Time to go Roman- is Anya's term to turn into Roman.
    She isn't telling Roman to go!
    Thought I'd let yall know so there is no confusion!

  • avatar

    Horrorshow about 10 years ago

    A welcome return! Score a vote from me. :-)

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