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Angel and Devil


Adair sits in his apartment wondering what to bake. Human deserts intrigue him the most. So he settles on baking a cake. But what fruit? Blueberry? Peach?
Determined to find out he lets himself into Jizao's apartment, where he rummages through the fridge.
Completely empty. Not like a devil can starve, but damn nothing?
"Peek a boo!" Startled, Adair whips around to be face to face with Jizao
smirking. "You know I don't buy human food. What're you looking for anyway?"
Adair blushes before asking him his favorite fruit.
"Well, your kisses remind me of your strawberry shortcakes. So strawberry."

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    Horrorshow about 10 years ago

    If Jizao doesn't store human food in the fridge I dread to think what the devil DOES store in there! :O

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