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Requiem For A Stripper #351


"Well, Jake. Fancy seeing you here without Harrigan," Peggy said with a grin.

"I'm meeting him," I said.

"What is it with him and this place?" she asked. "I mean I'm grateful for the patronage, but he eats here all the time!"

"I don't know, Peggy. It's the first place we ate at when we got back from the war. I think he's a lot more sentimental than he wants to admit."

She nodded, "You want anything?"

"Just some orange juice for now."

"Okay, be back in a minute," she said.

I turned my attention back to the newspaper article...

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  • avatar

    Neville Hunt 10 months ago

    Yeah, Harrigan’s a real softie at heart!

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