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Requiem For A Stripper #337


A huge piece of the curtain burned loose and fell over the altar, completely covering Schmidt. I could hear him screaming as the flames engulfed him. I thought it was fitting that he got the same treatment as Madame Helga, although I doubted seriously that he would live through his ordeal.

I turned to look at Horace. His eyes were staring blankly at the ceiling that was quickly being obscured by smoke. I checked his pulse to be sure. He had said he didn't want to live without his sister. I guess he got his wish.

I closed his eyes...

2 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt 10 months ago

    😭Poor old Horace (or Horrie as I prefer to call him). He didn’t deserve that! Let’s hope Romero’s feeling remorse about it or rather feeling completely burned up about it.

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    Christopher 10 months ago

    I knew if I was going to keep Minga alive to be featured in another story that Horace would have to go. I knew Horace wouldn't stop until either Minga was dead or he was. But I liked him too.

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