richarddavidson avatar

Pearl and Quasit #61


Pearl watched Quasit steady himself, the ship pitching upwards into a Thach Weave, his face a rictus of foul taste, unsaid doubts trapped inside his clenched teeth.

Some of the manoeuvres Pearl designated, Quasit remembered from UPPMS days on Kaelnor VI. Some illegalized under JLP 3.009, not that that deterred Pearl in the slightest.

"Iyauliana," Quasit shouted over the sounds of the ship's thundering thrusters as the Phengodidae dove into Kolvoord Starburst.

Pearl glanced questioningly, face alight with excitement, beguiled smile dancing along curving lips.

"I just thought you might want to know her name before you kill us all."

2 comments add one below

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    D.M. over 9 years ago

    I may need a glossary eventually for pronunciation! Do you have all of this thought out all ready, or are you creating it as you go, Richard? One hundred
    words always seem so short.

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    Richard Charles Davidson over 9 years ago

    Really a little of both. I have quite a bit thought out ahead, but the devil is in the details. Of course, the characters really direct their own actions, I just need to interpret the bumps and eddies along the way. Ya, you're telling me one hundred words is short! Very challenging, even though I know there's always more.

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