dickjarmany avatar

Interesting jobs #17


They could not work with the power down, and so we sat and chatted.

I explained that my boss had brought me down from Manchester in his car and that he had gone off to important meetings.

“So he said”, one of them remarked, “more likely a glorified booze-up.”

I couldn’t help agreeing, but said I was there for the rest of the afternoon, so perhaps they could show me the coal-cutter and how it all worked.

It was, as I told you, a great big disk with cutters on it, which was cutting into the coal seam.

3 comments add one below

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    Christopher 9 months ago

    These drabbles definitely do make it sound like you had interesting jobs. I'm sure that beat sitting in the same office every day for forty years.

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    Richard Hunt 9 months ago

    Yes, they were interesting and all real. These were all with a department in a company which worked in a range of products, from kettles to power stations. There was one power station where a cooling tower blew over. Guess who had to sort out why and find a solution.

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    Neville Hunt 9 months ago

    Sounds like a sometimes scary job too, Richard. I never knew my big bro was putting himself at risk on a daily basis!

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