"The House In The Woods" drabbles by Christopher

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The House In The Woods (2/2)

The House In The Woods #2

I pushed the unlatched door open and stepped inside. The dusty floor creaked as I walked across it. So many memories began flooding back....and then I saw him! I stopped, frozen in my tracks. I gazed at him with revulsion and fear. He had the advantage, though, as he returned a stare of revulsion but not of fear. I tried to scream but my throat was in a state of panicked revolt. I turned and ran out the door.

It took a long time and a lot of therapy for me to realize I had been staring into a mirror.

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The House In The Woods (1/2)

The House In The Woods #1

I went back to the house in the woods, the house I grew up in. Time had made a once simple but sturdy dwelling ramshackle and decrepit. I knew I had to face the demon, the one who'd killed everyone in my family but me. He was an evil man, everyone said so. I knew it too but I never wanted to believe it. But after what happened I had to accept it.

I hadn't been back since that dreadful night of bloody carnage. It was too painful. But I always wondered.

I always wondered if he was still there...