"The Bait" drabbles by VerityAlways

verityalways avatar

The Bait (2/2)

The Bait

find no windows and only a door as expected, and two medusa’s on the sides. With all the courage from the ghost repel kit, I knock. A deep voice calls in. I step in to find a hooded man sitting behind a makeshift arrangement and laptop.

On quizzing about details, this eerie route turns into a scam.
As suspected, they collect the entry fees and pick out such ghastly locations. They weren’t expecting a claimant on the prize, more to the surprise when my team cropped up and 911 on their way.

Did I mention I’m from a news crew?

verityalways avatar

The Bait (1/2)

The Bait

I was surprised when I received the congratulatory mail from the writing contest for $100. They had a reputation. Finally won after many attempts.
A bold line catches my attention, the address. It stuns me.

I’m not scared to get to 666 Devil’s Slide Way. Not all enter the next round and win. This place is eerie, located in a ghost town. The address gives it away, so I did come prepared, salt, vinegar, Bible, Cross, neighbors prayer books, wore the beads, rote learned the dialogues of the exorcism scene- courtesy the Conjuring series.

I go around the house to...