"Something in the air" drabbles by Neville Hunt

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Something in the air #2

The Zeppelin was excellent. It had been poured before the interrogation about my opinion on the house brew, but I still had to pay. The irate landlord had two choices, waste the pint of Zeppelin or take the money and then take his revenge. He went for the latter.

"Drink up your ale and then piss off and take your fucking opinions with you!"

Problem.. this was Paul's local.

He was distancing himself, miming "He's not with me."

With a number of possible options, I chose the least likely.

"This Zeppelin is fucking brilliant!" It was too.

Paul finally relaxed.

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Something in the air #1

Popping across the road from Paul's house, we entered Devil's Dyke, an ancient Iron Age earthwork dug by hand by the Catuvellauni tribe before Julius Caesar kicked their arses in 54BC.

But we weren't bothered about ancient monuments, we had a mission...

Paul had discovered a stash of sloes, which we plundered. Sloe Gin for Christmas.

Then to The John Bunyan, a McMullens pub, which we reached, thirsty as camels.

Tactlessly, I asked the landlord which real ale wasn't made by McMullens. He replied suspiciously "Zeppelin... what's wrong with Macs?"

"It's fucking horrible," I said.

Then the balloon went up...