"Renn" drabbles by Derek

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A Knight of Sorrow Pt 7


“A Knight?” Renn almost choked. “I can’t kill a Knight.”

“You can and will,” Bal stared out the window into the city.

“What happens if I don’t?”

“Then you will not be contemporaneous with your own life by sun up,” Bal turned and left the room.

“Is there a particular Knight that I must kill?” Renn called after him, but received no response.

He looked out of the window as the sun was lowering on the horizon. Such a short amount of time to plan and execute a kill order. Renn collected his gear and ran back down the stairs.

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A Knight of Sorrow Pt 6


Bal stood near the window in the small room. A small bed and table took up most of the room. This room was smaller than the room he used to keep his clothes in. A previous life, he told himself.

“You have been sloppy,” Bal stared out of the window into the night. “I have a task for you before we continue your training.”

This was the moment he had been waiting on, time to prove himself, “What is it?” Bal’s influence on him has been huge.

Bal turned from the window, “Tonight a Knight will die by your hand.”

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A Knight of Sorrow Pt 5


Renn sat on the hall flower, glowering at Bal, his mentor. Renn had wanted to learn and become better, but this was becoming flagrant.

“Get up,” Bal said.

Renn bit the inside of his cheek, drawing blood. It has become one of the only methods he could do to keep himself from speaking out. These people were once below him in status. Life had its way of making a mockery of things.

Once on his feet, Bal motioned him into the room. Renn stared daggers into the back of Bal’s head, and thumbed the dagger on his belt.

“Hand’s off.”

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A Knight of Sorrow Pt 4


Two days came and went before Renn was released from his captivity. It was a lesson. He had been left alone for those two days with only the light through the small window to show the passing time. He was covered in his own filth, tired, hungry and thirsty.

After cleaning himself up and getting a meal he tried to go get some sleep. He barely turned out of the way of the fist coming through the open door at him. Another fist came out and hit his chest, knocking him against the hallway wall.

“Pathetic. Stop being so lethargic.”

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A Knight of Sorrow Pt 3


Cold water shocked Renn awake. His arms a legs were bound to a wooden chair. The room was dim but had small windows near the ceiling, letting in pale yellow light.

“You are sloppy.”

The world was still out of focus, “And you’re ugly.”

“I was born this way. What’s your excuse? You follow too close and are easily noticed. Act like Jadon, not Renn, when in public.”

That name brought terrible feelings to the surface, “Jadon is dead.”

“No,” the man said, “Jadon is erstwhile until we need him.”

Renn struggled against his bonds, refusing to say anything else.

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A Knight of Sorrow Pt 2


Shadowing a target was simple, just stay out of sight without losing sight. That was what he was taught as a kid, in his second childhood. His first childhood was blocked from his memories, the emotions were too visceral. Renn could follow a target in broad daylight without being noticed.

This target almost seemed like a simpleton to him. The people of the market veered out of his lumbering path. The target turned into a side alley that ended at a dead end. Where was the target going? Renn rounded the corner, getting a fist to the face, then blackness.

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A Knight of Sorrow Pt 1


Renn stood in the shadows of the alleyway, watching the thieves. The ground was churned up mud from the rain early in the night and the drunks would slip and fall as they tried to chase the kids who picked their pockets.

The door of the tavern opened and a small woman stumbled her way down the steps. One kid tried to come up from behind and snag her purse, but she grabbed his wrist and lifted the pickpocket off the ground and threw him. He slid into several of the other would be pickpockets.

Renn smiled at her machination.