"Party Piece" drabbles by Neville Hunt

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Facing the truth

Party Piece #4

Phew! Having worried I might be erased from tiddler’s party list, I was saved by a ‘no show’.

The show was in full flow as Miss Sophie, tiddler’s ballet teacher, had all the little girls sitting in a ring gripping a parachute and playing fun coordinated games like propelling soft balls up to the ceiling. Wizard fun!

One by one they went off for face painting. Fabulous faces. I asked the face painter if I could be next and if she could strip a few years off my face.

“I’m a face painter, dear, not a miracle worker!” she replied.

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Not That Popular!

Party Piece #3

I popped round to tiddler’s house today to hang some fairy pictures, plus her own purple and pink creation, in her bedroom. Delighted, she shouted “I love them Baba!” Success!

Later, downstairs, I spotted ‘the list’... her birthday party guest list that Granny had somehow negotiated me onto. Being Mr Popular, due to the picture hanging, I dared say “Yippee, I’m on the list!”

She suddenly gave me a serious look that said ’You’re not on the list, Baba!’

So I showed her my name and Granny’s... both mysteriously written in pencil.

Now I’m worried that she’ll rub them out!

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Party Piece #2

Granny wrote her name on the party guest list. Then, cautiously, she asked “Can Baba come to your party?

“Is Baba on the list?” asked the three year old.

“No.” Granny replied.

“Well...” the tiddler started, but Granny quickly added...

“Shall I write him on the list?”

“Yes.” was the reply.

I called round yesterday evening to say hello. She was sticking jewels onto a friend’s Happy Wednesday card she was making. Expecting the “I’m busy” brush off again, I dared ask...

“Can I come to your party?”

She turned, “Yes,” she declared, “you’re on the list!”

Joy oh joy!

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Guest List

Party Piece #1

Our three year old granddaughter has a birthday soon... and a birthday party too! The guests, unsurprisingly, are a flock of little girls of broadly similar ages. Eight year old brother asked if he could go to her party. She swiftly replied “No! You’re a boy, not a girl.”

To this he quickly retorted “Well too bad, because I’m coming anyway!”

I keep asking if I can go to her party. “No, Baba!” she replies without further explanation.

“Can I come to your party?” asked Granny yesterday.

“Yes!” was the answer after some thought. “Write your name on the list.”...