"Jungle" drabbles by DevilDeviant

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The Jungle's Gift

Jungle #2

The hunger was unlike anything she had ever felt. She found herself bounding through the thick vegetation with a smell invading her nostrils. It got stronger as she moved, with a knowing urgency. A monkey. Instinctively, she pounced through the brush as the smell hit its peak and saw the brown furry creature before her. Razor sharp claws retracted from her paws and they became certain instruments of death. She sank her fangs into the back of the monkey after she had torn open its neck and savored the meat. Claire was simultaneously repulsed and sated unlocking the jungle's secrets.

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The Spirit of Discovery

Jungle #1

A rich couple took their daughter on a guided tour of South America for her birthday. Claire had always wanted to visit the lush rain forests and see tropical animals there. The family met a witch doctor on the tour. He told them of a great cat spirit who roamed the jungles seeking to pass on knowledge; a story a few hundred years old. As the family set camp near a lake, Claire caught glimpse of a golden light beyond the trees. An ethereal leopard pounced at her. Claire flinched and braced for the worst. A sudden hunger consumed her.