"Entertaining Lily" drabbles by Neville Hunt

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Entertaining Lily #3

After the fun of the woodland train, park, scooter, Poohsticking, we were worn out... not Lily though! But I looked forward to taking her home for her meal... because while she was eating I would escape for half an hour to get fish and chips for us. Yippee!

I returned. The breakfast bar with two bar stools was laid for our fish and chip supper. Yippee!

“OK Lily, are you going to watch Bluey?”

”Nope!... I’m sitting here!” she announced, climbing onto my stool!

Forced to eat standing up... the joy of my meal hijacked... as were half my chips!

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Going home

Entertaining Lily #2

We figured that after the walking, scooting, sliding, swinging and Poohsticking, Little Lily would be worn out. Travelling back to our house she fell asleep... or pretended to be!

‘Excellent!’ we’d thought, ‘We’ve worn her out’. But instantly wide awake she was ready to watch TV.

One hour’s kids’ TV later, it was time was to get her ready for the 2-mile drive back to Lily’s house.

”I don’t want to go in the car!” she insisted. ”I want to walk!”

“Walk?.... But it’s a really long way, up and down a big hill.”

”Scooter then!”

“NO Lily!”


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Hiz ‘n Herz

Entertaining Lily #1

Today 3yr old Lily came to us. The rest went to see the rugby...Saracens versus Harlequins... a great match between two English rugby giants. What to do with Lily?🤔

Lunch chez nous... a great success... what an appetite for a little-un!

First, riding on the little woodland railway in the woods nearby, counting the hidden elves.

Then to Hitchin, where flows the little river Hiz. On her pink scooter, she scooted alongside the wiggly-winding Hiz to the playground. Then we played ‘Poohsticks’ on the Hiz’s many little bridges.

The fun wasn’t just Hiz, but ourz and herz too!