"Contretemps Perdu #3 of 3" drabbles by Neville Hunt

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Knowing my rights

Contretemps Perdu #3 of 3

I was running late. But when I got to the centre of the village, where the cars are parked on the right, the bloody bus was heading towards me on my side.

It was my right of way. My-right-of-way! I had to stop, but there was no way I was going to reverse up. The bloody bus driver told me I should reverse. "My right of way, squire!" I replied.

So, tail between legs, he headed back to his bus. I'd shown him! He would have to reverse!

Then some bloke invited him into his house. Bastard!

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Changing tastes

Contretemps Perdu #2 of 3

I'd looked ahead as far as I could see. Nothing was coming in the other direction. That was my opportunity to pull the bus out into the right hand lane to pass the parked cars on my side. I was well over halfway to the next gap on the left when this car came screeching up towards my bus. Bloody idiot was in such a damn hurry. What was I to do? I couldn't reverse.

I tried to reason with him, but eventually gave up.

I hate tea, but when some bloke offered me a cuppa, I bloody loved it!

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Stand off, kettle on

Contretemps Perdu #1 of 3

With cars parked continuously on one side of the road, the narrow high street was a nightmare. Driving through required common sense.

The bus driver had committed himself to moving to the opposite side of the road 100 yards back. The man driving the other way was in a hurry. Technically he had right of way. He planned to assert this. The result... standoff.

With no passengers aboard, the bus driver went to reason with the man. Nothing doing!

The bus driver walked back past my door.

"Fancy a cuppa?" I asked.

"Thanks, mate!"... as he walked into my house.