"Childhood abuse" drabbles by Frenchie

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The beginning.

Childhood abuse

'It's temporary. I'll come back for them.''
The sympathetic lady looked at the young woman, eyebrows raised.
'The baby's father. He doesn't want the boy.''
Therefore the two children were left in the hospice. Social workers looked for a family to take both brother and sister, but they were so different, one black, one white, that families and misplaced bigotry didn't want such a mismatch. Eventually, two families were found in some remote part of the country.
The mother never came back.
The temporary situation became permanent, no one realising that they had abandoned two innocents to a dire fate.

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The mirror

Childhood abuse

'She is an unstable child. We can't keep her.'
The social worker panicked.
'She has been with you for so long, please reconsider.''
The man and the woman exchanged a sly look. Of course, they wanted more money.
The child looked at them. How she hated them all. She was not unstable. Just unhappy and unloved.
She concentrated on the mirror above the mantelpiece. Maybe she could make it fall. She focused on the mirror all afternoon
The next morning, she was woken by the woman's shrill shrieks. The heavily gilded mirror was lying on the floor, in thousand pieces.

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The Dog

Childhood abuse

The child saw the woman with an axe and the dog's lead .
'Don't do it', she grabbed the woman's arm. The woman raised the axe, the child recoiled. She didn't need words to understand.
It was a hot summer day. The child stayed sobbing by the dead dog's side. She didn't dare going into the house.
When the man came late at night, he dug a grave, threw in the dog, fetched the other dog too. They were taking everything she loved. The child knew she would have to run, because one day, a grave would be for her.