"Breaking News" drabbles by Neville Hunt

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Breaking News #3

My daughter has started to volunteer at her village primary school as a special needs practitioner. Having been a full time teacher, she was trained in a special reading scheme for children with special needs. Her expertise is very welcome at the school.

But she has special needs too. I don't mean the ones associated with her MS, I mean hair needs.... and for this, my expertise is welcome.

She always looks beautiful to me, but apparently only so through the application of hair straighteners. (Utter tosh!).

Impossible with broken finger! So with minor upskilling, I'm back in fashion again.

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Way back when

Breaking News #2

Years ago, when the kids were at primary school, along with John, my doctor, whose children went there too, I was pressganged into helping out at the Autumn Fair. Ours was a fashion role, which even a cursory glance at our senses of style would show was ridiculous!

We became official hair crimpers, as the school uniform seemed to change to include crimped hair... except for boys who preferred hair of a Halloween green hue.

Whilst the shocking revelations of today would render such activities taboo, after successive successful years of applied crimpology, I'd gained a skillset ideal for 'brokenfingergate'....

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Breaking News #1

"It's official. It's broken. My finger is broken!"

She'd spent two hours in 'minor injuries' last Friday. A nasty fall at lunchtime, a half hour drive with mum to hospital... and then the long wait.

"You'll need an X-ray to check if it's broken."

"Well it hurts like it's broken!"

"But the X-ray department's closed now until Monday!"

Fucking brilliant!

Monday. My turn to take her to hospital. Back to the start. Another two hour wait to be referred for X-ray... a long walk away for someone disabled.

She deserved that left-handed lunch I bought her.