xavierblaq avatar


I can feel it coming on again.

The sickness, that terrible sickness, as my mind starts racing and blood pours from my nose.

But I love it still, for it means my dear lord is here to bless me with his divine horror. Oh how I love that horror!

And today, he will give me the task, the wonderful task. I could finally earn my place by his side in the chaos.

All I'll have to do is scare a group of children. How easy is that?! All it takes is a knife, some rope, and their parents' dead bodies.

8 comments add one below

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    Brandon Sutton almost 10 years ago

    This story, although belonging to the Slender Man mythos, is more based on the real life crimes that have been committed, albeit made more extreme. However, this might be worth your time to read about, since these cases are almost too strange to be believed.

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    I assume that you heard about the two Wisconsin girls who stabbed a friend of theirs earlier this month in the name of the Slender Man?

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    Brandon Sutton almost 10 years ago

    Yeah I did, and that was when I first looked up what Slender Man is. I also heard a story where it is believed a daughter tried to stab her mother because of belief in the Slender Man. Since these stories are just something a couple of guys came up with only a few years ago, it's scary how people are actually acting out parts of these stories as though they are real.

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Interesting observations, Drew.

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Are you familiar with "Marble Hornets", Brandon?

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    Brandon Sutton almost 10 years ago

    I wasn't before you mentioned it, but I looked it up and it seems very interesting. Psychological horror has been a recent favorite of mine. Thanks for mentioning it.

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    Bryan Thomas almost 10 years ago

    Interesting... I've never heard of the Slender Man.

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    Brandon Sutton almost 10 years ago

    If you look him up on Wikipedia, you'll get a brief overview of what they're about, and the real-life cases that inspired this. However, it is a *very* brief overview, and doesn't go into why the stories' psychological horror is so popular. You will need to experience that yourself. :) Thanks for the comment!

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