verityalways avatar

The Brutes are not Mute Channel #4


Hello and Welcome.
We have the exclusive hard-story coverage of social distancing norms witnessed in the abyss 'Coronna The Pandemia'.
Tom says that Parrots claim plagiarism. They were The Messiah in the implementation of distancing norms since Jan'20.
Hooter, owled the branches to spot them (lookalike certainly). Digging the ground reality; Here is the video of their constitutional conversation-
"We believe our Right to Speech is in jeopardy; Freedom to assembly, endangered. Where is the Fairness in Liberty?"
(Hooter, did we miss any lines? from the scrip---)


Now, the sensational photographic evidence - Wildlife Comedy Awards'20.
Stay tuned!

3 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    Takes me back to the caged Mynah bird in the Botanical Gardens near my alma mater (so many years ago). We successfully helped its right to speech with the addition of a two-word injunction. The second of those words was โ€˜offโ€™.

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    Jeff Taylor almost 3 years ago

    This really read like some fantastical, cryptic, underground message to a seemingly random (Yet oddly specific) sleeper cell. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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    VerityAlways over 2 years ago

    Thanks, Neville and Jeff!!
    This was purely based on a picture taken in the wildlife comedy awards 2020 and the timelines and everything clearly matched. I just added words to the photo.

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