The Brutes are not Mute Channel #3
Hello and Welcome.
The Monkreal citizens have developed a progressive policy called 'Inclusion' in which they would take selfie portraits with a Human; Diversity.
We have spooled the requirements from their website to avoid any rejections.
For the interested-
Firstly, White Male with white teeth (to avoid the racism cacophony)
Secondly, Hirsute and open to go bare-chested (equality, neutrality)
Thirdly, Owns iPhonk11 (better resolution)
Lastly, they require you to sign the deed that Monkey of Monkreals will be the copyright owner as per PETH (PeoplefortheEthicalTreatmentofHumans) norms.
This Portrait will be Titled "The Monkreal Sapiens and the Prop."
Stay Tuned!
VerityAlways almost 3 years ago
This is based on the selfie lawsuit Naruto(Macaque Monkey) vs David Slater
Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago
A fascinating lawsuit and an even more fascinating drabble! I wonder what APES (Association for Primate Equality in Selfies) would think of it all.
VerityAlways over 2 years ago
Thanks Christopher!
VerityAlways over 2 years ago
Thanks Neville, I'm such a halfwit!! I really like you came up with the APES ;)))
Neville Hunt over 2 years ago