The food at the Bluebird was a crime against humanity but for some reason Harrigan loved eating there. At least it held a little bit of sentimental value, as it was the first place we ate at after we got back from the war. I didn't think anything would make me pine for Army rations but the Bluebird managed the impossible.
Harrigan ordered beefsteak with potatoes, macaroni and cheese and a glass of iced tea. I ordered the one thing they served that hadn't yet given me a severe case of food poisoning: cheeseburger, French fries and a Coca-Cola...
Neville Hunt (about 4 years ago)
Thanks for these Christopher; appreciated! The Bluebird sounds a real delight!
Christopher (about 4 years ago)
Got to leave it there again. I didn't get to write any tonight and I don't want to run out of drabbles to post.
Published: July 30, 2020 03:02
Category: Crime & Mystery
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Christopher (about 4 years ago)
Yeah, I talked about it in at least one of the other stories, Origins, when they had just come back from Germany. Since Jake is the only main character in these stories, along with Harrigan as support, I try to weave little recurring things into these tales so they seem a little more familiar.