Online struggles...

by Lisa Williams

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There was a clue in how I danced in 1984. We missed it.

But now, online.

The CAPTCHA code gets me every time. I see different letters. Numbers. Start adding punctuation. Is it case sensitive?

Just a word with a line through it- honestly it throws me.

Those picture ones.... How many buildings can you see? I don’t know. Is that distant rectangle one? Why is this so hard? I'm not an idiot, I only want to comment on a blog.

The latest one has really got me stumped.

Are you a robot?

I just don’t know how to answer.

Latest Comments
Lisa Williams avatar

Lisa Williams (almost 8 years ago)

No- I didn't know Nev!
Thanks Drew.

They are awful and stop me commenting on some sites as I really just can't do them. Being a robot's hard. XX

Neville Hunt avatar

Neville Hunt (almost 8 years ago)

Ah! Now it's clear. Awful aren't they? I've reread and understand. Btw, did you know that robot (or actually rabota but it sounds very similar when they say it) means work in Russian and Bulgarian? These CAPTCHA codes are hard robot! (Wonder if their -BG and RU - codes are in Cyrillic?)

Lisa Williams avatar

Lisa Williams (almost 8 years ago)

Ha. Daughter said the same. Those code things you have to type in on websites to prove you're not a robot- I just can't do them X

Neville Hunt avatar

Neville Hunt (almost 8 years ago)

I confess to having absolutely no idea what this is about, but it most surely deserves a comment.

Published: November 24, 2016 04:34

Category: True Stories told as Fiction

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