The call came out of the blue. My wife took it. I was at work. He introduced himself as JP Devlin off the radio. He foretold of my chance of fame on national radio. I called back, remembering months ago I had emailed details of my 'thank you' for inclusion on the Radio4 Saturday Live chat show.
My fame will be two minutes maximum, next Saturday or the week after, not the fifteen Warholian minutes I'm due. I've been interviewed on radio and TV before, so I'm not worried about being cheated!
I'm thanking a woman who saved my life.
Neville Hunt (almost 8 years ago)
I posted a drabble on 19 Oct 2015 entitled '18 November 1987 - my life was saved'. 100 words limited some points of detail, but told the story. It was only on reflection I realised how lucky I /we had been. I was all for standing around and seeing what was going on in the booking hall... stupid man that I am! I don't remember thanking Mary as it took a while before it hit home.
Neville Hunt (almost 8 years ago)
Thanks for the interest Drew and Lisa. It's going to be this coming Saturday (12 Nov) on Radio 4 Saturday Live which runs from 9.00-10.30am. The 'Thank you' feature is usually in the second half of the programme. I wrote a drabble quite some time back about it. I'll try to unearth the name/appprox date of it and let you know. It concerns the awful Kings Cross underground fire and does me no credit!
Published: November 10, 2016 09:08
Category: True Stories told as Fiction
© 2013-2024 Drablr. All rights reserved.
Neville Hunt (almost 8 years ago)
Thanks very much, Drew. I was such an idiot with a common sense quotient of sub-zero, but in my defence, I was just a bloke (and all that entails!). A former colleague of mine who was a health and safety practitioner made me realise what a close shave we had. I'm still just as stupid and curious...but hopefully just as obedient (but Mrs H says no!). Thanks for listening.