The year is gone.
"Where to?" I hear you say.
"Who knows?" probably TIME alone.
She put it, sniggering, away.
And angels sitting there , a couple,
hiding something. What a prank!
"What's this?" I ask, expecting trouble.
One whispers: "you will thank
us, for this bag we're holding."
And I see, that "LUCK" the label says.
"We'll intersperse that later - so, no scolding!
We saved it up for darker days."
There's hope, as this year nears its ending.
A bag of luck is standing by.
It's not open,
so keep on standing
still hoping
even if you
- sigh.
Iarwain Olofsson (over 8 years ago)
It's an adaptation of a poem I have written in German.
And honestly, I am a bit proud of it, having kept the idea and melted it dorwn from 140 words - into a drabble.
Published: December 21, 2015 09:53
Category: Poetry
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Jim M (over 8 years ago)
Brilliant! positive, thought-provoking and playful. I love it too